American Poker Rooms

Ultimate Poker Branching Out To Texas?

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Ultimate poker has been operating its American online poker room for about a month now. There has been good reviews and bad reviews but the progress the United States of America has made on a state level with Nevada is impeccable.

Some of the American Poker Players have complained about the fact that players are not able to play Rakeback due to the State laws. Isn’t it much easier to deposit and withdraw your money with a company in the United States of America? We would think that there would be more positive feedback.

The talk in the American Online Pokersites is that Nevada is looking to expand it’s American online gambling services to other states besides Nevada. Wouldn’t that be great? The general consensious is mixed however there are many positive factors such as using the revenue to boast the American economy. The more people who play poker online with a US based company, the more America can tax players and make money instead of the money going offshore.

We have read on a top American Online poker forum that Texas would be at the top of the List to allow players to play at Ultimate Poker. Based on a census that was taken in 2012 26,000,000 reside in Texas. How many of them are American online poker players? We will not know until they pass the law. A lot of players are wondering if Nevada can spread out to Texas can they do so with Delaware and New Jersey? How would that affect the current deals that are in the works? American Poker Directory cannot wait to find out what will take place next.

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