American Poker Rooms

The Best Hands When Playing Texas Holdem Poker For Real Money

When people play Texas Holdem Poker it is vitally important that they know how to analyze how good their hand is. The reason this is so important is because there is a lot of real money on the line, right?

Yes, Some people who play poker have an idea of which hands are good and which ones are not. The big question becomes, do I know when to stay in and invest more money into the poker pot?

When you are playing a hand of poker, you are holding your two pocket cards and waiting to see what the community cards will be. It is imperative that you are extremely confident that your two pocket cards are strong.

How Do I know if my Cards are strong playing Texas Holdem Poker?

The easiest way for people who frequent Texas Holdem Poker Rooms Online Or Offline and Wager real money is to memorize the best starting hands.

What is the best starting Texas Holdem Poker Hand?

The best starting hand for your pocket cards is and ace with an ace. With this hand you probability of winning some real money is the highest. Some poker players refer to this pocket hand as The American Airlines, Pocket Rockets, and Bullets.

What is the second best Texas Holdem Poker Hand to start with?

If you do not have an Ace, Ace it is not the worst thing in the world. The second best hand to start with in Texas Holdem Poker is a King and a King. For those that do not know I stress real money because when a person plays poker I believe that should have enough at stake to really feel the rush at the same time not get hurt too bad if they loose.

What is the third best Texas Holdem Poker Hand to start with?

The third best Texas Holdem Poker Hand to have when playing for REAL MONEY is the Queen and another Queen. This is a very strong starting point.

What is the fourth best Texas Holdem Poker Hand to start with?

The fourth best hand to start with is and Ace and A King.

What is the fifth best Texas Holdem Poker Hand to start with?

The fifth best hand to have when you have some real money on the line is a pair of Jacks. Statistics show that you will win twenty percent of the time. Keep in mind that when the flop comes out, if it is a King, Queen, or Ace, proceed with caution.

What is the sixth best Texas Holdem Poker Hand to start with?

An Ace and A Queen gives you about twenty percent chance of winning.
What is the seventh best Texas Holdem Poker Hand to start with?

The next up on the list is a King and a Queen.
What is the eighth best Texas Holdem Poker Hand to start with?

Next up is the Ace with The Jack.
What is the ninth best Texas Holdem Poker Hand to start with?

Next up is the King with the Jack.
What is the tenth best Texas Holdem Poker Hand to start with?

Last but not least, number ten is an Ace and a Ten.

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